Born in 1993 in the vibrant city of Malaga, our talented artist embarked on a captivating musical journey inspired by his father's mesmerizing performances. Immersed in diverse styles like Industrial EBM, Acid, Electro, House Breaks, and Italo, he found himself drawn to their alluring rhythms. Starting as a DJ in 2015, he discovered his true passion for vinyl in 2018. Collaborating with renowned digital labels like La Vie en Rose, he showcased his undeniable talent. In 2020, he released his debut vinyl EP on Alma Records and made notable appearances on respected compilations. In 2021, his highly anticipated second solo EP was brought to life under Sequalog label. With exceptional production skills and electrifying DJ performances, he captivates audiences at prestigious venues, leaving them enthralled. In his meticulously curated studio, he continues to refine his sound, culminating in his latest vinyl masterpiece for Alteredcircuits label, showcasing the artistic vision of innershades.